
Journal Prompts for Intention Setting


How intentional have you been about your life this week? ⁠

Have you shaped your week so far or has the week shaped you?

I’m not really sure how manifestation actually works, but I believe it does.⁠

Just not always in the way we see it in our mind.⁠

For this reason, I tend to think about my “intentions” as well as my “goals”.

I tend to use “goals” when speaking about tangible things I want to achieve and “intentions when thinking about how I want to feel, be and show up in the world.

For example, a goal might be to write a novel, whereas an intention may be to improve my writing.⁠

Both require me to write consistently, however even if I never get around to writing a novel, I will have still improved my writing and other opportunities may become available as a result.⁠

Journaling allows you to take control of your life by choosing what you want to do, be, have and feel and then exploring what you can and need to do to create the life you want to live.⁠

It helps you to feel as though you actually have an influence over your life experience rather than feeling like life is simply happening to you.


7 journal prompts for intention setting:

  • Where do I want to focus my time and energy?
  • Where do I need more consistency?
  • What changes or improvements do I need to make?
  • What habits/practices are working well?
  • What do I need more of?
  • What do I need less of?
  • What am I committed to?⁠


As well as setting monthly and weekly intentions using these prompts, you can also use your journal to set intentions for the day ahead by writing affirmations, quotes and possibilities.

I hope that these journal prompts for intention setting help you to manifest your life’s desires.


Image Credit: Unsplash

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1 Comment

  1. This is a very thought provoking post. I have been hearing more about intentions lately and was interested in exactly what that meant. This has helped a lot ,and will also help how I want to change up journaling and thinking more about intentions .

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