
Journaling Prompts for Spring


Spring is the time of the year associated with new beginnings, fresh starts and clearing out. 

However, many of us still choose to set our intentions and resolutions in January. 

Here in the Northern Hemisphere January is dark, damp and dreary.

Many people are still recovering financially from the festive season and life can feel far from inspiring. 

So, when you take all these things into consideration, it’s probably not the optimum time of the year for new endeavours. 

Spring, on the other hand, is a time that tends to feel more hopeful.

The weather is warming up, the days are brighter and longer. 

There’s an air of optimism and positivity that can help to fuel inspiration and motivation. 

So if you’ve not managed to maintain your new year’s resolutions and you’re ready for a reset, here is a collection of journaling prompts to help you regain clarity on your intentions for the remainder of the year. 


Journaling Prompts for Spring

  • What does Spring mean to me?
  • What areas of my life need refreshing?
  • What new year’s resolutions/intentions need renewing?
  • What do I want to start?
  • How can I lighten my load?
  • Who or what is weighing me down?
  • I feel lightest when…
  • New beginnings and fresh starts are…
  • Spring is the perfect time for…

Pick one, a few or all of the prompts.

Journal with them in one sitting, over the next few days or coming weeks.

Journaling is your practice so go with what works for you.

The prompts will be here for you when you need them.

For more prompts to inspire your journaling practice, follow on Instagram.  

Image Credit: Unsplash

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