Leanne Lindsey - Life Coach and Freelance Content Writer for Hire - London

You’re a hardworking, ambitious and successful professional and you are good at what you do. However, you can’t help feeling like something is missing.

You’re at a point in your life where you want to do something meaningful.

You want to wake up each morning feeling excited about the day and life in general.

You want to make the most of life and feel happy and fulfilled.

Instead, you feel stuck, lost and frustrated.

On paper your life is great but in reality, there’s a void.

You followed the traditional route and you’re proud of your achievements but now much of it feels meaningless.

You constantly think to yourself that there must be more to life than this.

You’re tired and fed up with hearing yourself complain.

You’re demotivated, not taking the best care of yourself and feel like life’s passing you by.

You know you need to make some changes but you’re not entirely sure what those changes need to be.

Or maybe you are sure but you’re just not clear on how or where to begin.

I can totally relate because I’ve been there.

My experience

I spent eight years in a corporate IT role where I felt bored and unfulfilled much of the time.

I went on holidays, shopped a lot and kept myself busy socialising, normally with a smile on my face because I didn’t believe I really had a reason to complain.

But underneath it all, I was miserable almost all of the time.

I felt demoralised, my confidence and self-esteem suffered and I was deeply unhappy but I had no idea how to move forward.

Eventually, this led to long-term sickness and I knew something had to change.

I retrained as a life coach and qualified careers adviser and transformed other areas of my life including my health and relationships.

It was the best decision I ever made but it was not an easy one so I know many of the fears, concerns and challenges that you may be facing right now.

I honestly believe that life is too short for anyone to spend most of their time feeling miserable or unfulfilled. But I also understand how hard it can be to make changes.

The good news is that it’s possible to live a happy, healthy life you love.

My life coaching approach

No doubt you have spoken to family and friends about how you feel and they’ve offered you advice and guidance but, based on their own perception, fears and concerns.

I offer you a safe, confidential, supportive and non-judgemental environment where you can be yourself completely. This allows you to explore openly and honestly how you’re feeling and what you can do to make positive changes in your life.

When we work together, we will:

  • Clarify and reconnect with what really matters to you
  • Identify any obstacles, fears or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back
  • Make choices, set intentions and create a plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be – living your best life, on your terms!
  • Establish healthy habits and personal boundaries to maintain better work-life harmony
  • Create simple routines to prioritise your self-care and overall wellbeing to avoid burnout

We will initially spend six structured telephone/Skype coaching calls together, normally over a 3 month period.

You will have practical actions to take between calls and you will fill out a Clarity Form before each call to ensure you get the most out of each session, ultimately moving you closer to a happy, fulfilling career.

What’s the next step?

If you are interested in 1-1 life coaching, please complete the form below to book a free consultation.

Once I receive your form, I will be in touch to suggest a few times we could speak and we’ll schedule in a good 30-45 minutes conversation (free of charge, by telephone or via Skype) so that I can find out more about you and your aspirations, you can ask any questions you may have, and we can decide if 1-1 coaching is the best support for you.

Any other questions?

Add them to the form below or ask them at our free consultation.

Simply enter your details below to book a free no obligation 45-minute life coaching consultation to explore how we can work together.

    What other people have said about working with me

    Huan-Ming Chen

    "The biggest/most useful thing I have taken away is that I'm not alone, which is very empowering. Realising that it will take time and the unknown will be uncomfortable and not everyone will approve or understand. But in order to live a life that I am proud of and feel alive, rather than just existing, I Continue Reading

    Huan-Ming Chen Training Consultant

    Amanda E

    "Working with Leanne was a pleasure. She was encouraging and very focused."

    Amanda E Photographer

    Joy S

    I will definitely use Leanne in the future and will not hesitate to recommend the services to contacts, friends and relatives who may benefit from Leanne's services.

    Joy S Primary Teacher

    Elisa Hernández

    "I would definitely recommend any woman that is not happy with how her life is moving. I think we can all benefit from what Leanne offers, as it comes in a very structured and personally orientated package. I'm very happy to have met Leanne, she's so easy to talk to and really listens to what you're saying. Continue Reading

    Elisa Hernández Environmental Specialist

    Karis K

    "You can't ignore the brilliance of this impressive lady -her passion, objectivity, insight, sense of fun and deep values. I'm looking forward to working with her again."

    Karis K

    Diana Davies

    "I found Leanne to be very supportive and was willing to listen to my story. She could empathise and offered great suggestions on how to deal with my situation. I would recommend Leanne to anyone who needs some support to follow the path that's right for them."

    Diana Davies NHS

    Shauna L

    "I was going through a difficult time and Leanne took the time out to look at certain aspects of my life and she encouraged me to look at things differently. Through her words and encouragement. I started to be more positive and confident. Leanne's support has been so helpful to the point where I have Continue Reading

    Shauna L Social Worker

    Victoria R

    "Leanne’s structured and objective approach was instrumental in me achieving my life goal plan and resulted in a re-balancing of priorities that increased my health, relationship, career and financial success. If you’re looking for a coach with a fresh, task oriented, and open minded perspective, who really listens, I strongly recommend Leanne Lindsey."

    Victoria R